Base 26 Letters-Numbers Converter

Convert a word, name, or other sequence of letters into a number and vice versa. The conversion is based on the bijective base-26 number system, in which A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, ..., Z = 26, AA = 27, AB = 28, BA = 53, ..., ZZ = 702, AAA = 703, and so on. Each place represents a power of 26, so the word "hello" becomes 8 × 264 + 5 × 263 + 12 × 262 + 12 × 26 + 15 = 3752127. The number system is called "bijective" because it does not have a zero symbol. In this converter, letters are not case-sensitive: both "HELLO" and "hello" will return the same value of 3752127. You may also enter a list of words, such as "hello world" or "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", or a list of numbers, such as "2068 17311 319778 357181 4084329319". Note: this converter makes no effort to avoid spelling obscene words!

This system is used by many spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Excel, to label columns. For example, the maximum possible column number in Excel is 214 = 16384, labeled "XFD".